One of the major collections of Francis’ poetry.

Five long poems each an experiment in form.

Forming a progression from the Godless world to the vision of the world cleansed and redeemed by the God-Man.

Francis wanted these poems to be judged as literature, not as devotional pieces written to a select audience. He wished for them to have a mainstream publisher, and they were published in 1971 by John F. Kennedy University Press. He says in the preface “the idea is the main thing, the reason for a poem” but that he has also paid considerable attention to structural variety –

“These things have their importance. They give charm to the truth of the idea; they beguile the mind into accepting what the heart knows: they make entertainment.”

They are primarily written “to entertain the Beloved” but obviously have a strong prophetic social message. Except for some Baba followers they fell on deaf ears.

The Title

is an echo of The Well at World’s End, a nineteenth century fantasy novel by William Morris. It deals with a knightly quest for a transforming and renewing magic well.

Francis is referring to a different sort of end of the world, the imminent apocalyptic manifestation of the God-man, which takes place when he breaks His silence to utter His Word.

Morris was a man of vision who condemned the greed, materialism and dehumanization of the modern world.


[placed by Francis at the end of the book]


[Author: Geoff Gunther]