Early Poems – Published in 1953, after Proletarians-Transition, but containing some early poetry from the 1940s or even before.

This small book is divided into three sections.

Singing Plain

The mystery and timelessness of the Australian landscape and the attempt to make a human   relationship with it. Basically a call to a mutuality of love. Francis urging us onwards and upwards. The rhythms flow nicely.

Notes For Hymn Tunes

Simple lyrical impressionistic pieces, successfully evoking pictures as magical as a Samuel Palmer etching when at their best. ‘Notes for Hymn Tunes’ because I guess they make us feel like praising the beauty of creation. Enjoy the epiphanies.

Vessels Of Transit

In wonder and praise capturing moments emphasizing the beauty of womanhood and love. Francis perhaps finding it easier to capture in words vivid pictures, just peeping towards the surrealistic and transcendent, than he had found in practicing modern art.


[Author: Geoff Gunther]